Just Cause For Eviction Ordinance Passed By Alameda County Supervisors


The Alameda County Board of Supervisors recently passed a Just Cause for Eviction ordinance. This ordinance will take effect on March 6, 2025, and covers all unincorporated areas of Alameda County. Just Cause eviction protections limit the allowable reasons a rental housing provider can evict their renter.

You can read the complete ordinance HERE

The Ordinance passed by the Board uses the same allowable causes for evictions as CA State Law, including 11 At-Fault reasons, meaning evictions precipitated by a renter being at fault for some breach of lease or other violation, and 4 No-Fault reasons, meaning those allowed even when a renter is not at fault.


  • Default in payment of rent
  • Breach of material term of the lease
  • Maintaining or committing a nuisance
  • Committing waste
  • Refusal to execute a new lease with similar provisions after the expiration of the previous lease
  • Criminal activity by the renter on the property or directed towards the owner or agent of the owner
  • Subletting in violation of lease terms
  • Refusal to allow the owner/operator to enter the property
  • Use of the premises for an unlawful purpose
  • Failure to vacate following the termination of the renter as an employee, agent, or licensee of the owner
  • Failure to vacate following the renter ending tenancy


  • The owner or their spouse, domestic partner, child, grandchildren, parents, or grandparents intend to occupy the property
  • The owner is withdrawing the property from the rental market
  • The owner is complying with a government order
  • The owner intends to demolish or substantially remodel the property

If you have any questions about the new ordinance, please contact EBRHA membership Services: membership@ebrha.com