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EBRHA Community Impact Fund

Contributions to this fund support efforts to build a strong coalition of housing, trade/labor and nonprofit organizations serving California and the East Bay to expand housing programs and policies that are in line with EBRHA’s strategic plan. The goal is to help local organizations provide critical services and programs to communities in Alameda and Contra Costa counties. For example: Bay Area Community Services, Housing Consortium of the East Bay, Richmond Promise, and Shelter Inc. The Community Impact Fund also raises money to pilot new programs that build a stronger and thriving East Bay housing community.

Protect Costa-Hawkins - Donate to the "NO on 33" Campaign

Make your suggested contribution to the EBRHA Community Impact Fund to help CalRHA campaign to stop the repeal of Costa-Hawkins. The assessment is a $95 minimum contribution for members with less than 10 units and $15 per unit for members with 10+ units. EBRHA and our nine CalRHA affiliates must raise $5 million towards an $80+ million statewide "No on 33" campaign. 

EBRHA is a 501(c)(6) Non-Profit Trade Association. Contributions to section 501(c)(6) organizations are not deductible as charitable contributions on the donor's federal income tax return. They may be deductible as trade or business expenses if ordi­nary and necessary in the conduct of the taxpayer's business. The donee organization may be required to make certain disclosures and pay a proxy tax in connection with the dues payment, however.  Be sure to consult your tax professional.